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Knee arthroplasty - rehabilitation protocol

Please see below a proposed physiotherapy protocol. Please contact me with any adjustments you suggest.

Unicondylar knee replacement, partial knee replacement
Partial Medial Knee Replacement

Preoperative appointment with physiotherapist:

1. Educate on the patient journey to minimise anxiety and align patient expectations with reality

2. Introduce the exercise diary

3. Verbalise aim of mobilisation to chair on day of surgery and walking on day 1 and expected LOS in hospital of 1-2 days (for patients expected to be fit for Fast Track)

4. Plan for postoperative discharge destination

Initial phase:

The goal of physical therapy intervention during the early post-operative phase is to decrease swelling, increase range of motion, enhance muscle control and strength in the involved lower extremity and maximize patients’ mobility with a goal of functional independence. Physical therapy interventions are also directed towards identifying other senso-motor or systemic conditions that may influence a patients’ rehabilitation potential.


1. Perform bed mobility and transfers with the least amount of assistance while

maintaining appropriate weight bearing (WB) precautions.

2. Ambulate with an assistive device for 50-100m feet and ascend/descend stairs to allow

for independence with household activities while maintaining appropriate WB.

3. Regain at least 80 degrees of passive and active range of motion in the knee to

perform sit to stand transfers with minimal compensatory activity.

4. Gain knee extension less than or equal to -10 degrees.

5. Independently perform operative extremity Straight Leg Raise (SLR) exercise.

6. Verbalize understanding of post-operative activity recommendations/precautions

including use of proper positioning of the lower extremity, range of motion and

strengthening exercises.

Use of a Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine is not part of the standard of care for patient’s s/p TKR. Use of a CPM may be indicated in cases where post-operative knee range-of-motion (ROM) is severely restricted due to revision or reconstructive surgery, severe post-operative pain, limb girth and/or edema, or impaired ability to participate in ROM exercises.

Observation and Assessment:

1. Only place operated leg in gutter pillow till spinal anaesthesia has worn off

2. Re-education of the Exercise Diary - encourage hourly bed bound exercises

3. Assess level of pain at rest and on moving limb – note pain levels with VAS.

4. Aim to get the patient to sit with legs over side of bed, and if comfortable, mobilise to chair for dinner

5. Verbalize expectations to standing and walking the following day

Therapeutic exercise and functional mobility:

• Active/active assisted/passive (A/AA/PROM) exercises (seated and supine).

• Patella femoral and tibial femoral joint mobilization

• Isometric quadriceps, hamstring, and gluteal isometric exercises.

• Straight leg raises (SLR)

• Lower extremity range of motion (ROM) and strengthening as indicated based on evaluation findings.

• Closed chain exercises (if patient demonstrates good pain control, muscle strength and balance). Close-chained exercises should be performed with bilateral upper extremity support while maintaining appropriate WB precautions.

• Gait training on flat surfaces and on stairs.

• Transfer training.

• Modalities:

• Continuous Cryotherapy for 72 hours after surgery, or at least 5 times/day.

• Patients are encouraged to use cryotherapy for 20 minutes before and after their independent exercise program.


• Weight bearing as tolerated (WBAT) with assistive device (unless indicated otherwise by the surgeon) to full weight bearing.

• Monitor wound and consult with referring the surgeon if signs and symptoms of excessive bleeding and poor incision integrity are present.

• Monitor for signs of DVT, pulmonary embolism (PE), and/or loss of peripheral nerve integrity. In these cases, notify the surgeon immediately.

• No exercises with weights or resistance.

• Avoid torque or twisting forces across the knee joint especially when WB on involved limb.

• A towel roll should be placed at the ankle to promote knee extension when patients are supine in bed.

• Nothing should be placed behind the operative knee, to promote maximal knee extension and prevent knee flexion contracture.

Criteria for progression to the next phase:

• Ability to demonstrate Quadriceps contraction and/or perform a straight leg raise (SLR)

• Active knee range of motion (AROM) -10°-80°

• Minimal pain and inflammation

• Independent transfers and ambulation at least 100 feet with appropriate assistive device.

Phase II – Motion Phase (Day 3 – Week 6)


• Improve knee active range of motion (AROM) to >/= 0-110 degrees

• Muscle strengthening of the entire operative extremity with emphasis on knee

extensor and flexor muscle groups.

• Attention should also be directed toward any weakness present in the operative

extremity as well as any generalized weakness in the upper extremities, trunk or

contralateral lower extremity.

• Proprioceptive training to improve body/spatial awareness of the operative extremity

in functional activities.

• Endurance training to increase cardiovascular fitness.

• Functional training to promote independence in activities of daily living and


• Gait training: Assistive devices are discontinued when the patient demonstrates

adequate lower extremity strength and balance during functional activities (usually

1-4 weeks)

• Decrease inflammation/swelling

• Return to functional activities

Therapeutic Exercises:

Weeks 1-4

• AA/A/PROM, stretching for flexion (>90 degrees) and extension

• Stationary Bicycle for ROM, begin with partial revolutions then progress as tolerated to full revolutions (no resistance).

• Patella femoral and tibial femoral joint mobilization as indicated.

• Continue isometric quadriceps, hamstring, and gluteal isometric exercises

• Supine heel slides and seated Long Arc Quad (LAQ)

• SLR in 4 planes (flexion, abduction, adduction, extension)

• Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) for quads if poor quad contraction is present. NMES parameters to be set based on goal of exercise/activity. See neuromuscular electrical stimulation procedural standard of care for specific details.)

• Gait training to improve function and quality of involved limb performance during swing through and stance phase. Patients are encouraged to wean off their assistive device at the latest by the end of second week from surgery.

• Postural cues/ re-education during all functional activities as indicated.

Weeks 4-6

• Continue above exercises

• Continue patella femoral and tibial femoral joint mobilization as indicated.

• Continue NMES of quads if poor muscular performance of quad is present. May progress NMES use from isometric quad activity to isotonic and functional activity

• Front and lateral step up and step down.

• 1/4 front lunge.

• Use sit to stand and chair exercises to increase knee flexion during functional tasks.

• Continue stationary bicycle for ROM

• Begin pool program if incision is completely healed

*Note: Exercises with resistance may be initiated as tolerated for operative extremity after goals for the first phase have been met, and the patient has met criteria for progression to the next phase.


• Cryotherapy 1-3x/day for swelling and pain management.

• Other modalities at the discretion of the therapist based on clinical findings


• WBAT with assistive device as needed to minimize compensatory gait. Patient may be encouraged to use a straight cane within one week of surgery if he/she is WBAT to FWB. Patients may be weaned from assistive device by 2 weeks if they did not use an assistive device preoperatively and post-operative muscle performance is adequate for weight acceptance.

• Monitor wound healing and consult with referring MD if signs and symptoms of infection are present.

• Monitor for increased edema and continue with cryotherapy as needed.

Criteria for progression to the next phase:

• AROM 0-110’

• Good voluntary quadriceps control

• Independent ambulation community distances (>/= 800 feet), without assistive device, deviations or antalgia

• Minimal pain and inflammation

Phase III – Intermediate phase (week 7-12):


• Maximize post-operative ROM (0-115 degrees plus)

• Good patella femoral mobility.

• Good strength all lower extremity musculature.

• Return to most functional activities and begin light recreational activities (i.e. walking, pool program)

Therapeutic Exercises:

• Continue exercises listed in Phase II with progression including resistance and repetitions. It is recommended to assess hip/knee and trunk stability at this time and provide patients with open/closed chain activities that are appropriate for each patient’s individual needs.

• Continue patella femoral and tibial femoral joint mobilization as indicated.

• Initiate endurance program, walking and/or pool.

• Initiate and progress age-appropriate balance and proprioception exercises.

• Discontinue NMES of quads when appropriate quad activity is present.

Criteria for progression to next phase:

• AROM without pain, or plateaued AROM based on preoperative ROM status.

• 4+/5 muscular performance based on MMT of all lower extremity musculature.

• Minimal to no pain or swelling.

Phase IV – Advanced strengthening and higher level function stage (week 12-16):


• Return to appropriate recreational sports / activities as indicated

• Enhance strength, endurance and proprioception as needed for activities of daily living and recreational activities

Therapeutic Exercises:

• Continue previous exercises with progression of resistance and repetitions.

• Increased duration of endurance activities.

• Initiate return to specific recreational activity: golf, doubles tennis, progressive walking or biking program.

Criteria for Discharge:

(These are general guidelines as patients may progress differently depending on previous level of function and individual goals.)

• Non-antalgic, independent gait

• Independent step over step stair climbing

• Pain-free AROM

• At least 4+/5 muscular performance based on MMT of all lower extremity musculature.

• Normal, age appropriate balance and proprioception.

• Patient is independent with home exercise program.

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